African March Song
arranged by John O'Reilly
We were welcomed to Grey Junior school by their 5th-7th band. They played three great songs for us. They opened with Captain America, which I thought was an appropriate welcome for us. Their final selection was African March Song which comes from a traditional African Folk Song. On Thursday the 4th of August, we visited a couple different school in Port Elizabeth. Grey's, our first stop, is a state school, just like Emafini, but yet the advantages the learners have are beyond the dreams of Emafini. At first I was thinking how unfair this are two state schools but two very different school environments. What makes the difference is the "tuition" that is paid to attend each school to help supplement what the state pays. In our tours of schools in South Africa, we did not have the privilege of visiting a private school, although there is one right across the street from where we are staying. Let me just say, it is very nice from outside the fence looking in.
While we were being escorted around the school, we got to tour many classrooms including the library and computer labs. I was extremely impressed with the library and all the different reading programs they have for each grade level 4-7 that encouraged boys to read. Fourth grade readers participate in the "Amazing Reading Race" while 5th graders are enjoying "Dictionopoly" which is set up similar to Monopoly. Another level is "Hooked on Books". Fantastic reading incentives for these boys. It seems
Grey Junior School offers a very rounded curriculum and lots of extra activities for their learners. But what stands out is the support of the moms that volunteer daily. The library boasted 70 working moms that help out on a regular basis. This school by the way hosts around 800 students. There are 4 classes of every level grades 1-7. The classes are capped at 28-30 student learners.
The library |
Moms on Duty (they had the cold duty
running the snack stand for break) |
Photo wall |
Student art work as you enter the school. |
This was one of the first picture displayed I saw as I walked into this school. First of all I thought the student art work was excellent, but then I took a look at the content. It shows how these learners value their families and their family is an important part of their schooling.
Student art work |
Student art work |
I love the self portraits. I wish we would have had time to visit the art room, however, we were running a bit behind schedule.
A couple of last thoughts:
--- This school actually has 5 music instructors listed on their faculty page. I know they have band, orchestra, and a couple choirs...but what else?
---I was surprised to learn that they are being cautious about adding SMART boards and technology in the classrooms despite the two computer labs and the rigorous computer lessons we observed.
Computer lab |