Monday Morning Greeting!
Shine Emafini, Shine!
After the Greeting a prayer and a hymn was shared. Interesting though, not all students nor faculty are Christian, but yet it seems that every gathering at Emafini, including faculty meetings, consists of a prayer and a hymn.(beautiful harmony singing) Afterwards, students were recognized for some great accomplishments. First, a group of older students stepped forward and they were recognized for participating in the 5 K walk/run that was here in Summerstrand near where we are staying this past Saturday. The next student that was recognized was from third grade. She was honored for being a strong student and asking her teacher to slow down the instruction so she could better understand.
Afterwards, birthday greetings were sung by the entire student body and staff. I did not hear whose birthday, however, I think if was for a couple of different people celebrating on the same day. What a powerful morning assembly, what a powerful feeling of love and community.
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